
New members are always welcome.

CG3231 Membership Application Forms are available here

Annual Fees

Single member $15
Family (partners and children)  $30
Plot rental (when available)  $35

Payment details available via online membership form/process.

Membership is from start of July of one year to end of June of the following year. Click below for more information.

New members are asked to complete the Membership Application  which includes Member Agreement outlining the philosophy of the garden, conditions of membership and safety issues.


​To ensure all are welcomed to the garden and its membership and understand our practices and processes ALL new members undertake an induction. The information involved in the induction is reviewed and updated as needed. The details of the current induction obtained upon request.

Safety in the garden

The following document is a useful guide with tips and hints to ensure that all are safe in our Community Garden. The details are reviewed and updated as needed. Click HERE to view the current document.

Private garden plots

We felt we needed some basic rules for plot holders and would-be plot holders

Plot allocation guidelines 

Click HERE to access guidelines.

Plot Holders

Plot holders need to attend a few working bees throughout the year and contribute to community gardening.

Beyond the Plot

Plot holders are required to weed access paths that are adjacent to your plot. Occasionally paths need to be topped up with mulch.

What happens in the garden…


During hotter months or extended dry spells, community garden beds need to be watered. We assemble a roster of volunteers to share the load. 


Composting is one of the most important activities in the garden. Get it right and you can improve soil quality and vitality and grow healthy productive plants. However adding the wrong things to the compost pile can cause issues. Never add meat, bread or dairy to the compost as this can cause the pile to smell and attract vermin.

It helps to chop garden waste into smaller sizes to hasten the composting process. Layer green and brown materials.

Please add items for the compost only to bin 1.


Aireys Inlet has an abundance of birds and animals. Unfortunately they are not good at sharing crops and tend to eat everything they can. Netting is one way of protecting produce.

Preparing soil and planting

Keith and Mary are our resident carrot experts and ran a session on growing carrots

There’s always something to do

There is a list on the white board for members to check, but weeding of paths and community plots can be done anytime!


We usually have a social events on like Soup in the Garden, Art in the Garden, BBQs and Twilight Gatherings.

And of course enjoying harvesting lots of wonderful locally grown organic produce